Attack The Music have announced the remix contest for "Pocari Freakz" by The Hair Kid. Win a shirt and get your remix released with Attack The Music.
Winners will receive a POCARI FREAKZ t-shirt and a chance for your remix to be released on Attack The Music.
Extra prizes to be announced at a later date.
Upload your remix to Soundcloud with the title format "The Hair Kid - POCARI FREAKZ ([Your Artist Name] Remix)", tag it with "POCARI FREAKZ remix contest".
Mention @thehairkid, @AttackTheMusic, and link this website in the Soundcloud description.
Email your remix to including "POCARI FREAKZ Remix" in the subject. Please include your Soundcloud remix link and a download link to a high quality version.
Required information: Your artist name, social media links (Soundcloud, Twitter, Instagram), and any comments on your remix.
Tag @AtkTheMusic on Twitter or @AttackTheMusic on Instagram and announce your participation in the "POCARI FREAKZ remix contest" if you'd like a retweet/repost.