Closed 4 years ago

Guster Remix Contest by SKIO Music


What’s up SKIO Fam, here’s a chance to win an official release!

We’ve teamed up with the band Guster to give you an opportunity to remix a song that isn’t officially out yet!

"When You Go Quiet" is a b-side from their 2019 full-length album, 'Look Alive'. Constructed with wavy guitars plucks, catchy vocal melodies, washed-out drums, and fluttering synths, you’re sure to get inspired. The song has only been available on CD and vinyl versions of Look Alive, but the digital version and a remix from the SKIO community will be officially released on digital services later this summer.

The deadline to submit your remix is July 9th, and we made sure to give you more than a month to finish your creation.

The grand prize winner will receive an official release, a pair of Genelec studio monitors, Mobius Headphones from Audeze, soothe2 by oeksound, a SKIO Pro Subscription, and more!

Best of luck in the studio. :)

Published on Jun 10th, 2020

Go to contest page
Hosted by
SKIO Music
Jul 9th, 2020 (Closed)
Winners announced
Jun 24th, 2020


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